- Non-member - $575
- Member - $430
- Associate Member - $430
- Academic Partner - $545
- PSAP Industry Partner - $545
- Pump Industry Partner - $545
- Pump Industry Partner Retiree - $545
- Standards Partner - Consultant - $430
- Standards Partner - End User - $430
- Standards Partner - End User & Basic Training - $430
- Training Partner - $430

This examination is for the certification of Pump Systems Assessment Professionals (PSAP) developed by the Hydraulic Institute. PSAP certification provides confidence to pump end-users and other stakeholders that pump system assessors have the knowledge and experience to perform high-quality assessments which will lead to energy-efficient and reliable pumping systems. The exam is composed of 100 multiple-choice questions. Candidates have three and one-half (3½) hours to complete the exam. Carefully read the questions and choose the best answer. A formula sheet has been provided as a reference.
For more information on the PSAP certification process and the exam, please go to www.pumps.org/psap.