Pump System Fundamentals |December 10 & 11, 2024| Virtual Live 2-Day Course

Includes Multiple Live Events. The next is on 12/10/2024 at 9:00 AM (EST)

  • Register
    • Non-member - $1,120
    • Member - $840
    • Associate Member - $840
    • Academic Partner - $1,065
    • PSAP Industry Partner - $1,065
    • Pump Industry Partner - $1,065
    • Pump Industry Partner Retiree - $1,065
    • Standards Partner - Consultant - $840
    • Standards Partner - End User - $840
    • Standards Partner - End User & Basic Training - $840
    • Training Partner - $840

Pump System Fundamentals (PSF) 2-Day Course

December 10 & 11th, 2024 | Time: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ET

PDH Credits: 14.0

PSF Day 1 - Pumps, Systems, Couplings, Bearings, Seals, Drivers & Drives, Pump and System Curves, Power Consumption, Operation and Control, and Energy Optimization

Pump System Fundamentals - Day 1 is designed to provide the core information on pump types, their construction, motors and variable frequency drives, performance curves, system design curves, and how to operate the pump system to meet variable flow and head demand. By providing immersive coverage of the pump system, components, performance and applicable calculations, this course is applicable to newer technical professionals or veterans of the industry that want a grounding in the fundamentals. 

Learning Outcomes
  • Identify and discuss the various pump types
  • Understand their unique design and application considerations
  • Discuss general design and purpose of bearings, couplings, seals, motors and variable frequency drives
  • Determine and calculate power requirements of the pump system
  • Utilize the pump curve and all listed information
  • Calculate system curves, pump total head, and Net Positive Suction Head Available
  • Understand strategies for meeting variable system demand

PSF Day 2 - Pump System Drawings & Process Control, Measuring Performance, Pump Installation, Maintenance, Reliability, Operating Problems, Troubleshooting, Intro to Optimization and Analysis Tools


Pump System Fundamentals - Day 2 is designed to provide the core information on how to effectively select, install, maintain pumps, and operate pump systems efficiently and reliably. This is vital information for anyone working in the pump and fluid handling industry who has technical responsibility for products or product management, technical support, or designs or operates pumping systems. Finally, anyone who specializes in assessing and optimizing pumping systems requires an understanding of the core principles taught in this course.  

By providing immersive coverage of the pump system, reliable installation, operation, and maintenance, along with applicable methods and calculations for optimization, this course is beneficial for newer technical professionals looking to expand their knowledge or veterans of the industry who want a grounding in the fundamentals.  

Learning Outcomes
  • Field testing and operating problem example
  • Allowable operating regions (effect on reliability)
  • Cavitation & NPSH Margin
  • Common operating problems
  • Tools: Pump system assessment (module) MEASUR
  • Tools: Hydraulic Modeling
  • Pump System Optimization
  • Pump system assessment methodology.
  • Pump system assessment report example and case study.
Learning Level - Intermediate

By providing immersive coverage of the pump system, components, performance and applicable calculations, this course is applicable to newer technical professionals or veterans of the industry that want a grounding in the fundamentals.  

Participants acquire a foundational understanding of the topic and develop basic competencies.

This course will cover intermediate content, but attendees would benefit from reviewing the Pump and System Fundamentals On-Demand Training Course


This course is designed for individuals who are already working in the pump and fluid handling industry and needs to master their skills. 

Course Materials Included
  • Slide Deck (PDF)
  • Pump System Optimization Guidebook ($225 Value)
Continuing Education Credits

Upon the successful completion of this day and passing the required quiz, you will receive a Certificate of Completion. 14 PDHs | 1.4 CEUs | 14 CONTACT HOURs

Note: 1.0 PDHs is equivalent to 0.10 CEUs or 1.0 Contact Hours


Course Outline 

PSF Day 1

1. Overview of pump systems and pumps 
  •  Pump system description & Types (open/closed, flooded, suction lift, etc.)
  •  Pump performance and System requirements
  •  Pump classifications (General)
  •  Function of pumps & markets
  •  Pump components and function
  •  Pump sub-classifications (General)
2. Pump component parts, bearings, couplings and seals 
  • Hydraulics 
  • Bearings 
  • Couplings 
  • Compression packing
  • Mechanical Seals
3. Electric motors 
  • Purpose and basic considerations
  • Voltage, frequency, amperage
  • Speed and poles
  • Motor curves, speed torque for starting considerations
4. Variable frequency drives 
  • Purpose and basic function
  • Important installation and application considerations
5. Pump performance, fluid considerations and effect on performance, and application considerations for pumps
  • Application considerations for pumps
  • General operating range for rotodynamic and positive displacement pumps
  • Roto/PD application considerations
  • Performance curve shapes general
  • Effects of viscosity on flow, head efficiency and power
  • Effects of density on power
  • Vapor pressure and specific heat considerations
6. Rotodynamic pumps, types, design, and performance
  • Performance & Specific Speed 
  • Specific speed and relation to flow & head for a given speed.
  • Basic curve shape for flow and head based on specific speed.
  • Effects on attainable efficiency
  • Types, construction and configuration
  • End suction
  • Between bearing
  • Vertically suspended.
  • Close, rigid, flexibly coupled.
  • Impellers
  • Casings
  • Single/multi-stage
  • Axially/radially split
7. Positive displacement, types, design, and performance 
  • Basic Types 
  •  Reciprocating and Rotary
  •  Basic operating principle for types
8. Pump life cycle cost (LCC), power, energy, and efficiency 
  •  Pump LCC
  •  Define energy
  •  Pump and overall efficiency 
  •  Power (output through system), into the pump and into the driver
  •  Explain power consumption for different performance curve shapes.
  •  Power measurement considerations
  •  Calculation examples
9. System curves, pump total head and Net Positive Suction Head 
  •  System curves
  •  Components of system curve and how to calculate 
  •  Continuity equation
  •  Bernoulli example for velocity head
  •  Measuring (calculating) the system head (pump total head)
  •  Calculating the system curve for all flow rates based on measurements
  •  Measuring (calculating) NPSHA 
10. Pump curves for selection and varying performance
  •  Basic performance curve (flow/head) 
  •  Add efficiency
  •  BEP
  •  Define POR
  •  Define AOR
  •  Effects of viscosity on flow, head efficiency and power
  •  Effects of density on power
  •  Trim curves 
  •  Head, Power, Efficiency, NPSHR
  •  Affinity rules
  •  Variable speed curves 
  •  Show POR and AOR on Trim Curves
  • Affinity rules
  •  Parallel curves 
  • Series curves 
11. Operating point and methods to vary flow and head 
  •  Intersection of pump and system curve
  •  Varying the operating point slides
  •  Control methods
  •  Variable speed pumping examples
  •  Application considerations for VFDs
  •  Add varying the operating point example from day 2
  •  Parallel pumping
  •  Series pumping
12. Energy Optimization Example
  • Variable flow optimization example

PSF Day 2:

Section 1: System Drawings & Control 
  • Piping and instrumentation diagrams
  •  Process and block flow diagrams.
  •  Isometrics drawings 
  • Process control systems 
  • Stable and unstable control
Section 2: The Pump Operating Point & Reliability 
  • Pump and system curve review. 
  • Preferred & Allowable Operating Regions (POR and AOR) 
  • Effects on efficiency and power 
  • Effects on reliability 
Section 3: Measuring pump performance.
  • Calculating pump total head  
  • Calculating pump efficiency  
Section 4: Net positive suction head available & cavitation 
  • Cavitation and causes 
  • Definition of NPSHA
  •  Calculating NPSHA 
Section 5: Pump Selection Methodology 
  • Standards 
  • 12 Step selection methodology 
Section 6: Pump installation 
  • Foundation, Base, Grouting, Anchors
  •  Mounting, alignment 
  • Nozzle loads 
  • Piping/intake 
Section 7: Pump maintenance 
  • Metrics 
  • Maintenance types
  • Typical preventative maintenance  
Section 8: Common system & operating problems 
  • System issues
  • Flow and pressure
  • Power Seal & bearing 
  • Vibration
 Section 9: Troubleshooting using the pump curve
  •  Insufficient flow example
 Section 10: Vibration basics & Troubleshooting methodology 
  • Units & definition 
  • Forced vibration & resonance 
  • Vibration plots 
  • Acceptance testing
  • Troubleshooting methodology 
Section 11: Analysis tools with examples 
  • MEASUR Tool – Pump System Assessment Module 
  • Hydraulic Modeling

Registration Fees

HI Member TypeFee
Associate Member$840.00
Standards Partner$840.00
Training Partner$840.00
Industry Partner$1065.00
Academic Partner$1065.00

Members, Associate Members, Standards Partners, and Training Partners of the Hydraulic Institute (HI) receive 25% discount on all available PSM training. Employees of Members, Associate Members, Standards Partner, and Training Partner organizations must log-in with their company email address in order for the discounted registration fee to apply. Industry Partners and Academic Partners receive 5% discount on all PSM training. Click here to learn more about HI membership.

Membership Question?  Call us at 973-267-9700, email us, or view the HI website for more information.

Refunds & Cancellations

All refund requests must be made in writing to training@pumps.org. Full refunds will be issued for any live course or webinar that has been cancelled.

Webinar Instructions

  1. Click the Contents tab and select "View Live Course".  After the live course is completed, return to the Contents tab.
  2. Click "Complete Quiz for Live Course" to answer quiz questions. You will have unlimited attempts and must get at least 80% correct to proceed. After completing the quiz, return to the Contents tab.
  3. For course, continue this process until you complete all the course sessions.
  4. Click "Complete Course Evaluation" to provide your feedback on the course to PSM. Scroll down to view all feedback questions, there are questions that expand past the size of the window. 
  5. Click the button “View/Print Your Certificate” in the box titled “Claim Credits & Certificate to save or print your certificate of completion. If you ever lose your certificate, you can come back to the PSM website and view it on your transcript (found in the Dashboard).
  6. During the Q&A portion of the training sessions questions are welcome that relate to the material presented and the instructor will do their best to address them within the context of the training provided. If time does not permit addressing questions received, we’ll make our best effort to provide an answer via email.
  7. Please note that the instructor is not able to provide consulting advice or interpretations of standards; therefore, these types of questions will not be addressed by the instructor. 

Need Assistance?

If you are experiencing any log in issues, cannot access a course, need assistance claiming credit, or have other questions or concerns, please e-mail training@pumps.org for assistance.

PDH Credits

One (1) PDH credit will be issued upon completion of this live webinar series. 

The acceptance of continuing education as it applies to fulfillment of the state licensing requirements for professional designations is at the pleasure of the individual state licensing boards. It is the responsibility of the individual participants to be knowledgeable about their state requirements.

Licensed Professional Engineers

Continuing professional development is a vital component to the engineering licensure process. Most state licensing boards require continuing professional development as a condition for licensure and renewal of the license to practice engineering. Pre-approval of training providers and courses are not required by most state licensing boards, except for the following:

Florida Board of Professional Engineers

Pump Systems Matter is a board-approved continuing education provider for the Florida Board of Professional Engineers: License # CEA361.

North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors

Pump Systems Matter is an approved continuing professional competency sponsor for the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors: Sponsor # S-0523.

New York State Board for Engineering, Land Surveying, and Geology

Pump Systems Matter is approved as a sponsor of continuing education for professional engineers in New York State: NYS Sponsor # 241.


Join Virtual Live Course Day 1
12/10/2024 at 9:00 AM (EST)  |  480 minutes
12/10/2024 at 9:00 AM (EST)  |  480 minutes
Complete Quiz for Live Session Day 1
20 Questions  |  10 attempts  |  16/20 points to pass
20 Questions  |  10 attempts  |  16/20 points to pass This quiz has 20 questions and requires 16 out of 20 correct answers to pass the quiz and earn your certificate of completion.
Join Virtual Live Course - Day 2
12/11/2024 at 9:00 AM (EST)  |  480 minutes
12/11/2024 at 9:00 AM (EST)  |  480 minutes
Complete Quiz for Live Session Day 2
20 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  16/20 points to pass
20 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  16/20 points to pass This quiz has 20 questions and requires 16 out of 20 correct answers to pass the quiz and earn your certificate of completion.
Live Webinar Survey
8 Questions
8 Questions Your feedback is important to us!
Claim Credit and Certificate
14.00 PDH credits  |  Certificate available
14.00 PDH credits  |  Certificate available Select the "View/Print Your Certificate" button to view and print your certificate of completion.