Understanding the Effects of Selecting a Pump Performance Test Acceptance Grade: 1-Part Recorded Webinar

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Understanding the Effects of Selecting a Pump Performance Test Acceptance Grade

Free 1-Part On-Demand Webinar


This free webinar will provide pump manufacturers, testing companies, system designers, specifiers, and end users with an understanding of hydraulic acceptance test grades for rotodynamic pumps, and their effect on the equipment size, operation in the field, cost, and delivery.

The following will be covered during this webinar:

  • The applicable hydraulic acceptance test standards
  • The harmonized acceptance grades in each standard
  • The grades of acceptance testing for rotodynamic pumps
  • The different unilateral and bilateral tolerances that may be applied to the guaranteed point
  • The impact on cost, delivery, and power consumption due to the hydraulic acceptance graded specified
  • The impact on motor sizing that unilateral and bilateral acceptance grades can have
  • How submittal curves may reflect the acceptance grade

Course Instructions

  1. Click the "Contents" tab and select "View On-Demand Webinar".  After viewing the entire video, return to the Contents tab.
  2. Click "Complete Webinar Evaluation" to provide your feedback on the webinar to PSM. Scroll down to view all feedback questions, there are questions that expand past the size of the window. 

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View On-Demand Webinar
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin. Open to view recorded webinar session. This video is approximately 1 hour.
Webinar Evaluation
11 Questions
11 Questions Your feedback is important to us! Please complete this survey to help improve future training sessions and to inform us on what new topics you want additional training on.